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North Shore Tramping Club

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Cosseys Dam/Wairoa Dam Hunuas, South Auckland

  • 8 Apr 2018
  • 8:30 AM
  • The Strand, Takapuna
Enjoy a trip to the western side of the Hunuas, linking up two very picturesque reservoirs and also taking in the magnificent Hunua Falls. The Hunua Ranges comprise NZ’s basement rock, known as greywacke, which was uplifted several million years ago with volcanic explosions finally cooling to form basaltic lava plugs. The falls are one of the best examples of this, where the water falls over the remnant of a lava plug.

Don’t forget to bring your camera as you explore part of Auckland’s largest forested landscape.

8.30 am The Strand, Takapuna

The Shore to Shore run is also on Sunday morning.  It won't  affect the trip as it starts at 9am and goes along Takapuna Beach on the way to Milford.


  • $15 members
  • $20 non-members

Organiser:    John Lamb  Phone    410 5211 / 021 227 3614


  • Short party - printable / online / GPS
  • Medium and Distance parties - printable / online / GPS - the Distance party route includes  the Wairoa loop.  The loop will be an optional extra for the Medium party
Please note early departure time
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