Kaimais - Mini Weekend 
Waitawheta Hut via Waiorongomai Valley Pylon Track
Duration: 2 days: Saturday 22nd to Sunday -23rd April’23
Payment in full due by 13 April please
Access: Waiorongomai Road end, southeast of Te Aroha township
Grade: Medium
Times: Waiorongomai car park to Waitawheta Hut via Pylon Track, ~6 hrs
Waitawheta Hut to Waiorongomai car park via Waipapa Track and Mt Te Aroha, 6 ½ hr
Total Ascent ~2500m
Accommodation: Waitawheta Hut, 26 bunks. (Club has prebooked 15 bunks) Limited tents sites outside Hut:
Waitawheta Hut is a popular overnight stop in the Kaimais. It provides a feeling of seclusion with views to the surrounding forested hills.
The Pylon Track is a trail carved by members of Auckland and Howick Tramping Club replacing the old Kauri Grove track.
From the car park, the track briefly follows the Low Level Drive Track for two minutes before veering right along a track down to Waiorongomai River. After a river crossing, the trail goes up the bank and past a derelict campsite, after which regular orange markers lead you on.
Along the way some remains can be seen of the old power pylons, which took power from a hydro dam near Lake Karapiro to the Victoria Battery near Waikino.
The track’s steadily climbs to reach a spur. Shortly after, it’s a steeper ascent to the range crest, at which there’s a clearing with several knolls offering grand views of Mt Te Aroha and the Hauraki plains.
The track turns left along the Kaimai Ridgeway Track (formerly the North- South Track) and follows the narrow ridge offering more views west and some towards Waihi Beach and Coromandel.
After reaching the Waipapa Track, head right along a well graded track gliding all the way down to Waitawheta Hut, a further two hours away.
Sunday Day 2: Waitawheta Hut via High Level Track with optional side trip to Mt Te Aroha for those keen on an extra climb, then down Butlers Incline to Waiorongomai Carpark: ~5 to 6 1/2 hrs depending on whether you return via side trip to Mt Te Aroha.
From the hut head straight back up Waipapa Track and continue north past Pukekohatu and on to Waiorongomai Saddle.
For the Mt Te Aroha option take the Mt Te Aroha track. ~1 1/2hr return to the track junction. After returning to the junction head down the Te Aroha Link Track. Take the High Level track. ~2 ½ hrs to carpark. The High Level Track climbs past the historic Hardy’s hut before continuing along the track through the tunnel. You will come out at the Winding Gear site near the top of Butler’s incline. The track then descends down until you reach the car park.
Depart: Saturday 22nd April’23: 8am: Como Street, Takapuna
N.B: Waitawheta Hut is a very popular and limited spaces are available.
To secure your place on this Trip please Register on-line by 31st January’23. We have pre-booked 15 bunks
- Limited tent sites are also available adjacent to the hut for members choosing the tent site option rather than the Hut option. If you choose the tent option this should be booked directly via the DOC Website below:
- Waitawheta Hut- Tent Site Booking
- The Club has prepaid Hut Fees for the first 15 people who register and choose the Hut option
- If members want to use a Back Country Pass please choose the Self Book option when you register and the cost of the Hut fees can be deducted. Under the new DOC booking requirements people wanting to use their Back Country Pass for Huts requiring a pre-booking will need to register and book individually on–line: https://bookings.doc.govt.nz/Web/
A. Club Booked Bunk: $65 (Includes Hut Fee: $20)
- (15 pre-booked bunks available)
B. Tent only site: $45 Limited sites available.
C. Self Booked Bunk using Back Country Pass: $45
Organiser: Kevin Osten Ph. 0274 577418
Driver: Arletta
Maps: Printable/GPS/Online