Kaimai Track Clearing and mini-Weekend Tramp to Wairere Falls - Lower Kaimai Ranges
Start: 8.00am: Saturday, 7th October
Depart: Corner 6 Auburn Street & Como Street carpark, Takapuna
Return: Sunday, 8th October
Tents are required
(A) Kaimai Track Clearing Party
Come and support our Club's Kaimai Track Clearing Party with this FREE Weekend. Cost of $25 for Non-Track Clearing Party to Wairere Falls.
As part of our Clubs commitment to support the Kaimai Ridgeway Trust’s initiative to maintain tracks in the Kaimai’s we have undertaken to clear the track from Aongatete Junction to Wairere Falls.
- Includes a tramp in pristine river valley and forest
- Great comradeship
- Only work as hard as you feel able
- No pressure to finish any length of the track
- Full complement of quality tools provided
- Good water supply
- Safety taking seriously
Several previous trips undertaken by members have enabled most of the track to be cleared between the top of the Wairere Falls to the junction of the North South Track near Aongatete.
With it almost a year since the last track clearing and several severe weather events this trip will walk through the length of the track from the Aongatete Roadend to our camp site above the Wairere Falls.
We will clear any windfall and overgrown areas as we go camping out in an idyllic open area close to water, not far from the top of the Wairere Falls.
Are you able to help on this trip? The work is not difficult. All you need is some good garden gloves. The Club has a full complement of tools to tackle the job.
It will be an ideal time because the rain has softened the ground, and enables grasses and plants to be pulled out with ease. There will also be the option of exploring and locating Puketutu hut for an afternoon and evenings entertainment.
As there are no huts, tents are required (available for loan from the Club if required for current financial NSTC members). There is an abundance of clean water available in nearby streams.

We will travel down to the Aongatete Carpark (located at the end Wright Road) on the Saturday morning. After dropping off the Track Clearing Party the bus will then travel around with members doing the Wairere Falls Track to the Wairere Falls Carpark located at the end of Goodwin Road. Returning Sunday afternoon.
Depart: 8.00am Sat 7th October
Corner 6 Auburn Street & Como Street carpark, Takapuna
Return: Sunday afternoon: 8th October
Cost: Free
Organiser: Kevin Osten Ph 027 457 7418
Driver(s): Craig O'Neill
More information: See http://www.kaimairidgeway.nz/
(B) Wairere Falls Tramp: Cost $25 
For people who are interested in an easy weekend tramp this will be ideal. Tents are required
On the Saturday you will travel down in the bus with members doing the Kaimai Track Clearing who will be dropped off at Aongatete Roadend. You will then travel back around to Te Aroha- Wairere Falls roadend located at the end of Goodwin Road off Te Aroha-Okauia Rd.
You will then follow the Wairere Falls Track and meet up with the Track Clearing Party on the Saturday night and camp out (~4 1/2 hrs).
Everyone will walk out on the Sunday to be back at the bus early afternoon.
Depart: 8.00am Sat 7th October
Cnr Auburn and Como Streets, Takapuna
Return Sunday afternoon: 8th October
Bookings: Register via the website or bookings@nstc.org.nz
Cost: $25
Maps: Online/GPS/Printable