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North Shore Tramping Club

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Mother's Day at Wenderholm

  • 12 May 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Far end of car park near estuary, Wenderholm

Registration is closed
  • Members - Please register online by 7pm Saturday 11th May.

    Non-members please text or email the organiser to assess your suitability for the tramp.

    Wenderholm 7km or 14km: 8:30am Start

    Meet at Wenderholm car park (far end, near the estuary), and feel free to bring lunch and other picnic stuff as I am sure most of us will hang around for lunch afterwards. The route has been planned to allow those who have had enough will be able to bail after 7km and enjoy each others' company, while the others climb the hill a couple of times.   

    All of us will head out together along the estuary, onto the beach and then make our way to Vin's track. Once we exit Vin's track the 7km group can make their way back to the carpark and picnic area. The rest will carry on up the hill, down to Waiwera estuary, back up the perimeter track, and over the top. We will then make our way back to the picnic area/carpark.

    Decent trail shoes or better are highly recommended - you will not enjoy the walk if you are wearing smooth soled shoes. 

    Please ensure all footwear and gear are clean as Kauri are in the area. 

    Bring plenty of water, lunch and picnic gear.

    ** Please register by Saturday 11th March.

    Meet at: Far end of the Wenderholm car park, closest to the estuary.

  • Organiser:  Eric (027-498-2241) email

  • ยท        Non-members please email or text the organiser to assess your suitability for the tramp.

Cost:  FREE

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