North Shore Tramping Club
Sunday 15 December 2024
Waihi Beach – Orokawa Bay
Departure: The Strand, 7:30 am - Note early departure time
Please ensure correct cash: $25 for members, $30 for non-members.
We will drive down to Waihi (journey estimate – about two and a half hours). The bus will drop the distance party at Ngatitangata Road, then drive down to the northern end of Waihi Beach where the medium party will disembark.
The medium party will walk northwards along a popular and easy path around the headlands to Orokawa Bay, a beautiful beach with pohutukawas overhanging the water (45 minutes). Care must be exercised if swimming here due to the steep slope of the sea floor. From here the walk continues to Homunga Bay (two hours), then along a steeply rising poled track across farmland to Ngatitangata Road.
The distance party will follow this route in reverse. There is the option to make a diversion to William Wright Falls (40 minutes in each direction) from the northern end of Orokawa Bay. This is described as a tramping grade track with many stream crossings. The distance party will board the bus at Waihi Beach, pick up the medium party from Ngatitangata Road and return to Auckland, arriving at about 6 pm.
High tide will be at 7:09 am and 7:20 pm, low tide at 1:19 pm.
Note; due to the long distance, the start will be earlier than usual – 7:30 am – and the cost will be $25 for members, $30 for non-members.
Organiser; Chris Bilham, 022-657 3837
Driver: TBC
Gear List: NSTC Gear List- March24.pdf