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North Shore Tramping Club

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Social Evening and Tech Night @ Shoe Science - Wednesday 27th November

  • 27 Nov 2024
  • 7:00 PM
  • Shoe Science Albany, 15 Mercari Way, Albany


Registration is closed

Wednesday 27 November Social Evening  7:00pm 

Come along and join us for a really informative and interesting evening at Shoe Science Albany where very knowledgeable Mike (the owner of Albany and Silverdale Shoe Science stores) and his team and also another shoe specialist will go through all the latest and greatest in trail runners, mild tramping boots or after tramping footwear and very importantly good socks to make our tramping experience even better, to the next level. 

Any questions you might have, or current foot niggles that maybe caused by your footwear, or even if you haven't you're bound to learn something new. 

Cost: Free

Mike is very kindly organising nibbles for us, so please register online  so he knows how many people to cater for. 

Financial members and non-members and friends and family welcome.   Share the knowledge. 

Location:   Shoe Science Albany, 15 Mercari Way, Albany (at the Albany Shopping Centre).
Plenty of parking on site.


Social evenings are held on the last Wednesday of every second month.

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