Matakana – Omaha return.
Sunday 2 March; 8.00am departure
Members please register by 7pm Friday 28th February
Ensure correct cash for payment: $20 Members /$25 Non members
Massey University Albany Tramping club $10.00
This 16km return trip makes use of the Matakana Cycle Trail to walk from Matakana Village to Omaha beach and back again. As we’ll be walking on a cycle path, we will be sharing this with cyclists! The track is predominantly a gravel surface through farmland and bush with a small amount of on-road walking, mostly flat but with a couple of climbs. Ceramic markers along the route feature stylised maps of the area’s topography.
We’ll have lunch at Omaha Beach, where there’s the opportunity for swim at Omaha Beach, so bring your togs.
To Do – Omaha Beach
There’s a café at Omaha Beach where you can get coffee and snacks.
Bring PLENTY of water, a MINIMUM of 2 litres as there will be limited options for topping up.
If time permits, we’ll call in at the Matakana Village for an ice-cream on the way home.
8.00 am, The Strand, Takapuna
8.20am Silverdale Park & Ride bus stop. Financial members please register for Silverdale pick up.
Driver: TBC
Organiser Amber 027-838-9483
Gear List: NSTC Gear List.pdf
Non-members & Massey University Albany Tramping club, Please phone the organiser to check suitability of the tramp
Cost: $20 Members
$25 Non members
Massey University Tramping Club $10.00