Piha Tracks, Sunday 2 February 2025 8am
Please register for this tramp by noon Saturday
Please ensure you have the correct cash $20 members / $25 non members
We will do the Waterfall and very recently re-opened Marawhara Tracks.
Expect to walk for approximately 5 hours - it is steep terrain in places and lots of stairs so a reasonable level of fitness required.
Bring or wear swimwear as we hope for a swim some where.
Very important, PLEASE ensure all your gear is VERY clean, as Waitakeres generally and Piha are Kauri'd areas, so as always ensure you thoroughly clean your gear afterwards as there is Dieback in this area!! And please ensure you have spare footwear on the bus for after, so no dirt is transferred!!! No freshly tramped shoes permitted back on the bus!!!!
** Non-members: Please phone the organiser after 5pm to check suitability of the tramp
Depart: 8.00 AM 7 The Strand, Takapuna
Organiser: Imogen 027 289 8440 (no text please newbies, please phone in first instance)
Driver: Chris Peard
Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members, $5 juniors
Gear List: NSTC Gear List- March24.pdf