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North Shore Tramping Club

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Cosseys Dam traverse to Wairoa Dam, Hunua

  • 23 Mar 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • The Strand, Takapuna


  • Registration is optional for Takapuna pickup

Registration is closed

Cosseys Dam traverse to Wairoa Dam, Hunua

Sunday 23 March 2025 

8.00am departure

Members please register and ensure you have $20 cash, non-members $25 cash

Easy and Medium options!

From the Falls carpark we will all take the shorter Cosseys Gorge track up to the Cossey Dam, this track can be muddy at times. From the Dam we head in a Southerly direction on the well graded Wairoa Cossey track in which you can expect a reasonably steepish climb of just over a kilometre to the intersection of the Massey track, but for the fitter or more energetic we will continue on the recently reopened  section of the Wairoa Cossey track, it’s a little after this that the track turns from a well graded track to an advanced tramping track, so you can expect tree roots, mud and a undulating track which will eventually after you go past the halfway mark starts to ease off in difficultly and eventually we will arrive at the Suspension bridge track taking us down to the Wairoa Dam, from there it’s a short trip out to the Otau crossing and road to the bus.

For those of us not so much up to the energetic stuff we will continue onto the Massey track and complete the Cosseys Dam loop back to the bus with a side trip to the Hunua Falls, before picking up the other party.

Please ensure all footwear and gear are clean as Kauri are in the area. Also ensure you have a dirty boot bag. 

Gear List: NSTC Gear List- March24.pdf

Members, please register by 7pm Friday 21 March

Cost:    Members $20.00, Non-members $25.00,

Please ensure you have the correct cash for payment

Organiser:  Kevin Osten 027 457 7418

Non-members please phone the organiser to assess your suitability for the tramp (pls phone after 4pm, no texts please).

Driver: Chris Peard


Short party - printable/online/GPS

Medium Party - printable/online/GPS

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