On Wednesday 1st December we were lucky enough to have Annalily van den Broeke, outreach coordinator for Ark in the Park (www.arkinthepark.org.nz) give an interesting virtual presentation. This was on the how and why of predator control in the 2270 hectares of the Waitakere Ranges that the volunteers of Ark in the Park look after. If you’re interested to learn more, or would like to help as a trapper or ‘adopt’ a bait line as an individual or as a group (similar to other tramping clubs) rebaiting three times a year, contact her on arkbufferzone@gmail.com . She is also the project manager of the neighbouring wetland conservation project Matuku Link (www.matukulink.org.nz) in Bethells, which has planting and working bee opportunities for fully vaccinated people as well – hello@matukulink.org.nz . Or follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArkInTheParkNewZealand/ and www.facebook.com/matukulink