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North Shore Tramping Club

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It's all in the timing at Mahurangi - trip report 21st July

28 Jul 2024 2:30 PM | Anonymous

How lucky were we with the weather today during our tramp around Sullivan's Bay and Te Muri, Mahurangi Regional Park West!  A bit breezy when we weren't protected by headlands or when we were enjoying the view at Tungutu Point.   Just past Tungutu Point, nearer to Mita Bay, due to some recent landslips we spotted some recently revealed heavily folded rock formations demonstrating how much upheaval the rock around here would have been under when it was in its molten form!  

There were only a few very brief showers and we managed to hide for lunch under a large Pohutukawa with its powerful roots hanging off an embankment as the weather front plowed its moody, dark clouds above us, with the odd crack of lightning, thankfully not too close!  One quick shower as we headed off after lunch for wet feet time crossing over the Te Muri Estuary to Te Muri on the low tide before heading up to the top of the hill overlooking Wenderholm Regional Park. 

The tides being conducive we explored the foreshore a little around the point looking directly across to Wenderholm spit, noting that there's a cave to explore at a later date and to see if we could get around to Puhoi Cottage. 

No time today for wading out to little Pudding Island at the main Sullivan's Bay where we'd parked, but it's worth it when you have time.  Usually there's some pretty, colourful starfish and other critters in the shallow trench on the way over.  (Better to wade over at low tide, otherwise it's a bit deep).

It's all in the timing!  Absolutely spectacular colours with the blue skies, and super dark clouds of the front passing over. Speaking of timing, spring must be around the corner as we saw our first early freshly born lamb of the season!

Another stunning day out adventuring with the club and a respectable 12-ish kms of some steep ups and downs and the odd sheep pat or two!  A doddle after the previous Sunday completing near to 22kms!  

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