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North Shore Tramping Club

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Tiritiri Matangi Island - 2018 edition - by Imogen

2 Feb 2019 5:52 AM | Anonymous

An absolutely magic day for the club over at Tiritiri Matangi today. Absolutely stunning weather, hot clear, nice gentle breeze, the sea almost flat and the clouds creating glistening reflections on the crystal clear water.

Once we'd had the usual greeting from the Islands' long serving Ranger almost dwarfed in noise by the raucous Saddleback chatting away, our group headed off to find birds to photograph.

Not too far along we spotted 3 x Ruru/Morepork, one being a fluffy baby sitting on a Punga frond with Mum and Dad, cute as buttons staring straight us with their massive eyes! And not much further along the track another Ruru watching us intently!

The Kokako was teasing us, with it's melodic song in the background, but remaining elusive, as did the Tahake that are normally that end of the island.

Upon reaching the Lighthouse for lunch, 5 Tahake, 3 of which were extremely fluffy large babies, which seemed quite relaxed given the people around and happily grazed allowing amazing photos!

Time to mosey back down the Wattle Track to the wharf for cooling swims and more bird watching.

If you've not been to this island slice of magic, which an exceptionally impressive amount of native bird life and incredible sea views in all directions...... don't miss out any longer!

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