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North Shore Tramping Club

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Waitomo - The Monika Deviation - Story by Karen Baeyertz - Photos by Karen, Monika & Colin

2 Apr 2019 10:47 PM | Anonymous

Those who know Monika will understand what I mean about her determination.

Club rules, however, determine that we do NOT tramp alone. So, when it became apparent that the map reading and navigation skills of the Appletree Road group had been found wanting and we had basically headed right instead of undertaking a left hand loop (!) encompassing the Tawarau Falls, what did Monika want to do? Back track! Rule follower ( and support person I am) was ably joined by Colin Symonds to accompany Monika in her quest to see the splendid wetness and beauty of the Falls. A very steady backwards deviation to the 10 minute return loop to the Falls; down, down, down with the assistance of a chain at the steepest point to the Falls below.

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