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North Shore Tramping Club

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Northcote Chatswood Tramp - by Imogen

2 Feb 2020 8:42 PM | Anonymous

So those not on the Away Trip didn't miss out, we had one of our additional day trips.

Meeting at Little Shoal Bay, with rain in the forecast, but calm at the time, we soon headed off up a more tramping style track most don't know about, just for a change to connect us up to Kauri Glen.

Arriving in the magnificent Kauri Glen, one more additional track that runs through the centre of the park has been closed with one of the pink Kauri Dieback signs on it. All was not lost though, as the council have created a new track that skirts around one side, that was actually quite magic! Still masses of towering forest canopy above and near us, including a forest viewing platform looking into the valley of big trees.

A quick side path and a track that only the organiser had been down before we're connecting into the Chatswood bush paths. These tracks are quite a cool maze, connecting up to so many road ends, giving endless options, but we have our selected path ahead before we connect into the larger Chelsea Sugar Works area.

Just for a change we organised to run this trip in reverse of what we normally do, and we have the opportunity to enjoy the views ahead of us in the beautiful Kendall Bay below us and the workout for the knees and quads as we head down the big line up of steps!

Absolutely spot on timing for lunch at Kendall Bay, but tide still out a bit much for a cooling swim before noshing. Pity as the water temperature is already up to 22 degrees there, and it was a sticky day!

Weather still holding out, we head our way up the tracks we normally come down, and see a few things we don't usually see on our way back through to the Sugar Works closer park areas! Bonuses of reversing the trip!

Our last bit of Le Roys Bush, and exciting to hear that another Le Roys track is a bit closer to being ready, we're almost back at the start point only 10 minutes or less away and Murphy's Law, a very heavy deluge from the clouds above!! Thankfully Punga fronds & big canopy above being such great shelter and a perfect place to hide for 3 minutes!! No point of the day with raincoats. A couple of minutes later the end of another wicked day out with the club!

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