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North Shore Tramping Club

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  • 11 Aug 2019 10:21 PM | Anonymous

    For more new ground for the club, we headed down to the Waikato yesterday to do another section of the Te Araroa Trail along the mighty Waikato River.  

    Jumping out of the bus at Ngaruawahia right by the river, we bee-lined to the start of the trail, which happens to be a very wide, dry foot, shared use trail the whole way.  A good sized group motoring along at a fairly hot pace, with many calls out "bikes", move over, along the way.  This section of the trail is very scenic with gentle autumnal light reflecting across the river, and wind gusts dancing across the surface of the river right beside us the whole way, bar one very short piece.

    Being the Waikato, it was a bit cooler down there when we arrived, but most of us heating up quickly requiring a quick stop to shed layers as the sun peeped out from the odd cloud.  

    Hamilton living up to it's name of the city of many bridges.  One bright green bridge in particular was quite striking and a similar construction to a white bridge over the new bit of "motorway tunnel" in Auckland and another bridge with amazing Maori motifs up the supports not too far from where we stopped for lunch.  

    Why "walking under rainbows"?!   We counted 6 rainbows!  That must be a record for a day trip!   Most of the rainbows were quite vivid and the last rainbow, seemed to last for an hour!   

    We were only 15 minutes from the end of the 18-19km walk and our driver extraodinaire, text to find out how far we were from the finish, with the tailing comment, "don't get wet".   Must have jinxed it!   As it hadn't rained all day, just a few light patches of drizzle and the sky promptly deluged on us!  All scurrying for tree cover to don a coat!   

    We spotted some awesome fungi (ganoderma) on a couple of trees along the last bit of the walk, that is predominantly board walked through old native forest and the prolific numbers of Beech trees.  

    Another thoroughly enjoyable day out, with an awesome bunch of people.  

  • 11 Aug 2019 10:11 PM | Anonymous

    A chilly, perfect weather morning for our trip to Wenderholm, that happens to have been the first Regional Park in Auckland.  Funnily enough most of the group hadn't been to Wenderholm or not been for a long time. 
    We jumped out of the bus and before starting our walk, we head over to the end of the carpark to look at an extremely large, very rare in NZ, Cork Oak tree.  Prompting lots of questions about how commercial harvesters harvest the cork to turn into wine bottle stoppers etc without damaging the tree.  

    With the sunlight gently beaming it's way through the towering tree canopy around the historic Couldrey House, we checked out the opening times to come and re-visit later in the day.  

    Setting off up the hill to do the Perimeter Track and once we've cleaned our boots at the boot station, you're immediately immersed in a tropical paradise of large Nikau Palms, Pohutukawa's, Puriri and many other native trees that cover the steep hillside.  Some of these may have been planted over the years, as there have been approximately 100,000 trees planted at Wenderholm.  On the first flight of steps up the hill, there are encouraging words about reaching for the top engraved on the front of each step of the flight before you reach the very old reservoir that used to supply the house.  There are also interesting signs dotted along the track with information about the flora and fauna surrounding us.  

    It doesn't take us long and we pop out at the first lookout, with majestic views up the Puhio River with the tide gently ebbing out and the lush farmland inland and views out across the water to fisherman patiently waiting for their catch at Brazier Rock and views of the neighbouring Mahurangi West Regional Park.  

    From the next track junction, it becomes more a "tramping track", a bit rougher, slippery and muddy as we drop down to the Waiwera Estuary to go investigate around the end of the peninsula at Mahurangi Island.  As we round the corner we're greeted by a substantially large slip that will probably take out the track one day.  

    A bit of back tracking to the Waiwera Bridge as the tide isn't quite low enough yet to wade over to Waiwera yet.  Before continuing south on the low tide to Orewa.  We got quite a way around before being pummeled by higher wind speed than we'd had earlier on protected by the tree cover.  We decided at that juncture it was wise not to continue along the rocks and headed back to find a nice sheltered spot for lunch by the relics of the original Waiwera hot pools dating back about 100 years.  

    Back into the bush we head left and up the steep incline up the Puhoi Track, reaching the open grassed area views worthy of a far higher than the 156 metre climb we'd just done.  

    Back into the bush, and as he headed back down the hillside track, we notice that this area is obviously destined for more of the "dry foot" treatment, with marker posts between each board walked area before reaching Couldrey House once again, for a look around this historic and fascinating old house.  So much history, by NZ standards!  

    A bit more walking to enjoy the Pohutukawa clad sand spit and wander back along the beach before heading back to Takapuna.  We're starting to wonder if a certain driver likes Ice cream, as there is often said stop on the way back.  Haha!  

    Interesting link to the history of the area:

  • 11 Aug 2019 9:53 PM | Anonymous

    Another bumper crop of trampers ready to go and a full Big Yellow loaded up heading to Piha.  Piha is one of those places that never fails to impress as you drop down out of the hills and see the first striking views across Piha Beach and Lion Rock!  

    Big Yellow makes it's way along to the northern carpark and we alight, and break into a number of groups ready to hit the sand.  One group heading north over the extremely recently resurfaced Laird Thomson Track at Te Whara Point and the other groups head south along the beach.   My group taking a quick stop at Lion Rock for some of the group to climb to check out the views across the spumy, hazy, windswept Piha.   

    Then we're on our way back along the sandy path around the lagoon, as the tides have changed stretching the lagoon to the base of Lion Rock making it impossible to walk south along the beach without getting non-sea water friendly leather boots wet on our mission to Tasman Lookout Track.   

    Muscles already getting a workout on the sand, then up the short, but sharp steps to the lookout and vista over Taitomo Island.   The tides were too high to go for a scramble up the island, but I don't think anyone minded, as the waves were crashing around the base of the cliff and island, creating plenty to frame!

    A brief shower rolls over as we find respite under a gracious Pohutukawa to demolish our lunches before making tracks up the Piha Valley, that we've missed so much due to the Kauri Dieback track closures.   Kitekite Falls area, our destination, has had major track upgrades to "Kauri Dieback" dry foot standard so it's now mostly boardwalks and graveled.   It's still pleasurable to have the acoustics of the stream trickling away next to us for of our walk up to the falls sharing information about native flora and fauna and Kauri Dieback as we travel.  

    Reaching the falls, there's an abundance of people enjoying the splendor of the waterfall and a few game guys who'd just been for a swim in the chilly pool at the base of the waterfall!  None of our group was brave or maybe a little sidetracked by the curious Eels in the pool.

    Time was pressing on, but you can't go to Kitekite Falls, without going up the falls, can you...... ?!   So we ventured up more well structured steps to the top of the falls, with 3 tiers, towering about 40 metres above the pool.    The view from the top of the falls of healthy Kauri rising from the opposite hillside in heartening, but not enough to entice all our group to enjoy.  Standing near the top, there are few pools, and then there's another another tier below, so it's not as scary as some might imagine.  

    Back down the track on the other side of the stream, we pop out at the boot station again, ready for the second scrub and spray.   A few light showers starting to fall as we tread back along to the bus and the other groups, and there might have been a brief stop at the Piha Store for creamy delights.

  • 11 Aug 2019 1:17 PM | Anonymous

    Eighteen of us drove down to Murupara, where we spent the night at a motor camp, then travelled for another hour or so to Mataatua where our tramp began. This is in Tuhoe territory and, before beginning our walk, we were privileged to visit the iwi’s whare, built in 1888. The interior was filled with fine carvings and photos of tribal ancestors. We split into two groups, a “fast group” of eight and a slower group of ten.

    First there was a walk of about three kilometers along a gravel road, then we followed a track high above the river. There is a horse track which sometimes coincides with the walking track, and sometimes diverges. As the horse track was often more obvious than the walking track it was always necessary to pay attention. One of our veterans felt unwell and turned back, accompanied by a friend – and then there were sixteen. We reached the Tawhiwhi Hut which was empty but pushed on to the eight bunk Ngahiramai Hut, which was occupied by a party of hunters. Only a couple of the group were able to share the hut, the rest of us put up our tents. It was a cold night. We now understand why hunters refer to this season as the roar – stags were roaring and bellowing around us all through the night.

    The following day the track dropped down closer to the level of the river. Much of it was overgrown and track marking was erratic – often no markers at all could be found. At one place we were puzzling whether to continue along the river bank or climb higher up the hillside when someone observed “Look up!” – there was a swing bridge thirty meters right above our heads. We had lunch at the Hanamahihi Hut – a pleasant position above the river and another swing bridge, but swarming with wasps. Once across the bridge, rather than follow the river along a broad loop we cut across inland, climbing two or three hundred meters. The track became extremely difficult; narrow, steep, with loose stones underfoot. Shadows lengthened, the sun sank behind the hills, and it became clear that we would not reach the Waikare Junction Hut before dark. The fast party forded the river and camped on a grassy verge, the slower party found a campsite a few hundred meters behind on the opposite bank. With less than a hundred meters to go, Rose had an accident, broke a fibula (one of the bones in the lower leg) and was evacuated to Rotorua by helicopter. Then there were fifteen. Apparently, one or two of her team mates wished they could accompany her.

    With time to make up, we started early the next morning. Even when fresh and with good light, it took us two hours to reach the Waikare Junction Hut, sited on a spectacular position high above the river. We noted a large weed-whacker, indicating that a track maintenance crew was based there. Still plenty for you to do, boys. We descended to the river and, once again, completely lost the track. Some climbed to the top of a very steep, densely forested hillside, others tried lower down but all routes seemed to end up in a ravine. It was Campbell who finally located a route through the jungle. A hundred meters further on, there were stairs and a foot bridge, just as if we were on one of the Great Walks! Soon afterwards we entered more open country and made better progress. The land in this area must have been cleared for agriculture at some time in the past, but was now heavily overgrown with blackberry and ferns. We reached the Ohura Hut in mid-afternoon. It was empty and had nineteen bunks but some detected an odour of rats and preferred to sleep in tents.

    At 6am next morning it was still dark and raining steadily when we were rudely awoken by a loud “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” We had a thirteen km walk ahead of us, to be followed by a five or six hour drive back to Auckland, and a very early start was necessary. We noticed that utes were passing along the river bed and decided to follow this route ourselves to save time. This required us to ford the river about a dozen times; the water was knee deep, fast flowing and not excessively cold at this time of the year. We heard a shout of greeting from the other side of the river and met up with the two who had left us on the first day. Over the last hour of the walk torrential rain fell, and it would probably not have been safe to ford the river later in the afternoon. We reached the road near Ruatoki and were soon aboard Big Yellow.

    This tramp proved to be more challenging than I had anticipated. The track closely followed the river and route-finding appeared to be straight-forward but this was far from being true. At times the track climbed high above the river, or went several hundred meters inland, and was often badly overgrown and poorly marked (or not marked at all). Despite these difficulties it was awesome country and I enjoyed the experience very much. Thanks to Ralph, the organizer, and to Campbell and Bernhard, the drivers.

  • 6 Jun 2019 6:42 AM | Anonymous

    18 trampers set off at 7pm on the Thursday evening for an adventure in the Urewera’s. First stop was at the Murupara Motor Camp where we arrived close to midnight. 6 had decided to stay in cabins prior to the adventure into the Urewera’s while the others slept on the bus. It was a good decision to stay in a cabin as it was comfortable and quiet whilst outside it was quite cold. Come the morning we were able to use the kitchens available for our breakfast.

    8.30am and we are off to start our tramp at Ruatahuna with one tramper having forgotten to pay for their cabin. We first stopped at a new village development at Ruatahuna before proceeding to the end of the Mataatua Road where we were to meet our driver who was to transfer the bus to Ruatoki (the end of the tramp on the Whakatane river). Tommy the driver arrived soon after we met resistance with a locked gate – this was the start of the tramp.

    Having met Tommy he introduced us to the local Kaumatua, Tai, who invited us to the Maree a hundred or so metres away. Tai gave us explanation of the arrival of the Maori in the Urewera’s and invited us inside to view the many intricate carved panels and memorability. This was a very interesting and unexpected visit which was met with appreciation by the members of the party.

    We were on the tramp by 10.50am having split into 2 groups, heading up a road through farmland before entering the bush. Several less able trampers hitched a ride on a Ute to the start of the bush – a couple of kilometres.

    Not long after entering the bush it was realized that the PLB’s had been left behind. But never mind there were 2 personal PLB’s amongst us.

    The first nights stop was at the Ngahiramai hut a distance of approximately 15 km from the start. 4 hunters occupied the hut which left only another 4 bunks so most of the team camped for the night. Entertainment for the night was provided by the hunters while we stood around the campfire. The cold temperature had us all early to bed with barely anyone feeling overly warm during the night. Throughout the night we experienced the ‘roar’ of a number of stags something most had not heard before – it was quite spectacular.

    In the morning we were off at approximately 8am for a long day as we had another approximately 15 km to go. What we did not know was how difficult it was going to be. The first obstacle of note was a slip with a loose narrow path to cross. Then there was a 3 wire bridge, a first for a number of trampers – this really slowed our progress.

    Several times progress was hindered as the track was not obvious and of course we took the wrong course. Then there was those bluffs to navigate and a steep hill to climb. We came across a party of Maori with 4 horses loaded with venison heading back up river.

    By 4pm it was obvious that we would not reach our destination as we had not even reached the Hanamahihi hut which we were bypassing. A decision was made with the lead party that we would camp by the river at the first suitable spot we could find. The lead party went ahead and crossed the river a little further on. By the time the second party saw the lead party across the river one of the second parties members fell and broke their fibula (as we found out later). Being close to dark a debate was held on when we should activate the PLB. So the PLB was activated and as darkness fell the Rescue helicopter arrived – in less than 45 minutes. The helicopter landed on the river bed with all lights blazing. With the help of the paramedic our injured tramper was loaded into the helicopter and off they went to the Rotorua Hospital.

    Well, what a lot of excitement for the evening. The lead party on the other side of the river, and further down, had no idea what had happened but in their confusion had turned on their headlamps as the helicopter arrived which cause the pilot to be confused on what side of the river to land.

    What a great device a PLB is and what a great service that Search and Rescue provide at no cost.

    So we camped out for the night which was fortunately a lot warmer and no stag roar.

    An early start for the morning as it was now obvious that we had no idea what the track was going to throw at us. First thing was to catch up with the lead party and discuss the excitement of the previous evening. A couple of hundred yards on lo and behold there was a great clearing with buildings where we could have camped had not disaster struck and the lead party would not have needed to cross the river. As we had not reached the Waikere Junction hut the previous evening it was necessary to reach the Ohura hut for the 3rd evening prior to walking out the next day. We had about 18km to go.

    We were correct. The track to the Ohura hut via the Hanamahihi and Waikere Junction huts had its challenges. There had been a major slip at a bluff several years previous which was now over grown and no signs to indicate which direction to take. Eventually a path was found by climbing up high amongst the trees and then descending onto the track further along. What with this obstacle, fallen trees etc we eventually reached the Ohura hut at approximately 5pm to the relief of some of the team.

    The hut provided suitable accommodation although it could do with maintenance and replacement of missing mattresses. 4 trampers opted to camp for the night. A decision was made to leave by 7.30am the following morning to walk out as we had 13km to tramp to the Ruatoki Roads end. A few mumblings but we were only ready to go by 7.30am the next morning.

    A little rain had fallen overnight. This would have been of concern if there had been heavy rain as we first had a side river to cross as the swing bridge was closed off due to damage to the suspension ropes and secondly another river downstream. All was going well through the bush although it was slow so we dropped down to the river and crossed it quite a number of times following the path that utility vehicles were using.

    This made progress good until it decided to rain with lightning and thunder with one crossing to go. And did it rain with spectacular lightning flashes and crashes of thunder. And along came our saviour to rescue those who had not crossed the river. Robert who was storing our bus arrived in his Ute and picked up the second party, drove across the river and back to his home approximately 1km away. There we changed into more suitable clothing, climbed into the bus and headed for home arriving early evening.

  • 6 Jun 2019 6:35 AM | Anonymous

    Here is the Team-of-Four hard at work in the north part of the track.

    Note Bernhard’s cheerful smile as he slams his spade deep into yet another tall clump of tough, resilient cutty grass; please note the huge log Pierre has just chopped a wide track through, and again, please note Gary’s thorough removal of still yet another thicket of pesky track-loving shrubs, bushes and prickly stuff. You can see the clearing I have prepared in the distance.

    You will see from the second photograph that we didn’t waste time and energy putting fly’s over our tents. All time and energy was devoted to track clearing. We worked, worked, worked , from dawn to dusk and beyond.

    p.s. All preposterous rumours of whiskey drinking, parties in Pierre’s tent, light displays similar to a disco, are just that – ludicrous rumours.

  • 6 Jun 2019 6:27 AM | Anonymous

    Another absolutely stunning, very calm day dawned for our club planting trip over to Motuihe Island & really big group of keen NSTC'ers & the general public ready to plant or work in the nursery.  

    A quick trip over to Motuihe via Rangitoto to drop other passengers there and onto our destination.  Upon reaching Motuihe a quick bio-security briefing and off to load up many hundreds of trees and equipment onto the tractor and head down the island towards Bald Knob again.  But not as far along the track.  This time planting a mixture of natives from potentially large or tall trees such as Puriri, Kanuka on the higher side of the road and smaller Flax  on the lower side, so as not to obscure the views.   With most of the trees providing valuable food sources at different times of the year to the islands' native winged inhabitants.  

    We seemed to blitz through planting the trees with such large numbers of people overall, despite the steep terrain.  All good fun & very satisfying to be part of something so worthy and to see progress of our previous years of planting!!   This island is looking amazing!

    Trees in situ, we meandered back to the Woolshed to partake in the yummy bbq'd sausages and tea and coffee the island kindly provides the planters and nursery crew.

    As we were doing so well for time, some of the groups opted to go for a walk, with the reward of seeing a good sized Tuatara and a lot of us opting to enjoy the very warm waters and the stunning Autumn day to spend a decent amount of time swimming!   What a way to end another totally awesome day on the island & smooth trip back to the mainland.

    If you've not done tree planting, whether it be on one of the Hauraki Gulf's treasure islands or the mainland, it's so rewarding and incredible atmosphere of people so excited to be part of something that is so important.

  • 6 Jun 2019 6:06 AM | Anonymous

    We'd been watching the forecast very closely all week, hoping that it would still be safe to go into the cave. Sunday morning dawned, and a bit of wet on the rain radar, but nothing that would inhibit the safety of entering the cave, so off our keen bunch of adventurers set in Big Yellow.

    With little traffic, we have an easy drive down to Mercer and then off the motorway to head to Waikaretu's, Nikau Caves. With the rain starting to gentlly fall, the soft haze and mist rolling across the steep, striking hillside country is very atmospheric and quite reminiscent of the club's damp trip to Awhitu last year, bar the high winds. One valley in particular as you're getting closer to the Nikau Caves is visually stunning! Big pancake limestone rock faces protruding from the steep hillsides and ravines just begging to be explored by keen trampers!

    As we arrive, the rain is still gentle, and Philip our host and guide assures the group it's still safe to go into the caves. So the team sign their indemnity forms, although we're not sure some can read,... hehe.... and gear up with helmets and torches ready to go! Setting off along the path into the cave.

    Once in the cave, it's quite an experience and nothing like other major caving experiences nearby as our Philip leads us into the cave. For the first 20 metres you crawl mostly on hands and knees through the very shallow stream that runs through the cave, before the cave opens out to plenty of height. This is where the magic begins, there are stalagmite's and stalagtite's and glow worms, so close that you can touch, but due to the acid our skins omit, you're not allowed as the acid damages these ancient formations that have been forming for hundreds or more years.

    Our previous club trip into the caves we saw a few Cave Weta's, but not today.

    When you pop out the other end of the cave, it's an other-worldly lush, tropical rain forest of ferns and native trees and meandering steps back up to the track out.

    Back at the very relaxing, rustic Nikau Caves Cafe for lunch, those of us with the usual tramping lunch, salivate over the delicious meals that some of the group ordered whilst a golden Grasshopper watches us.

    All fueled up, we head along the road to the Waterfall entrance and the bridge over the stream. The track to the waterfall is more of the lush, rain forest variety with ferns and native trees so we feel right in our element and what we yearn for so much with so many Auckland tracks closed. And a fun end to the tramping day before heading back to the bus to head home.

    We were pleasantly surprised even though it's the last day of the school holidays, we had a breeze of trip back, with a stop at the less ubiquitous, world famous in NZ, Pokeno ice cream! Excellent!

    Mini me.... sometimes when our bus doesn't look big! Certainly not next to this big B-train (truck & trailer) at Pokeno on the way back from the tramp this afternoon.

  • 6 Jun 2019 5:54 AM | Anonymous

    More new ground for the club yesterday! One good thing with Kauri Dieback is it's forcing us to explore different ground to get some decent tramps in.

    As the traffic was light on the motorway, our group hit the track at 9.30am at the park opposite the Huntly Power Station. So we headed around the loop to find a rather striking statue standing in a square pond, with the Waikato River and the park as a backdrop.

    No hanging around as this trip was a cross over trip, two drivers, each group doing the opposite direction.

    This track is part of the Te Araroa Walkway and is the flood stop bank for the Waikato River and sits about 2-3 metres above the cattle paddocks and golf course we worked our way along. It mostly runs about 50 metres from the river.

    Not long after lunch we're almost back at the one way bridge at Rangiriri and spot Big Yellow parked waiting for us on the other side of the river as the most scenic part of this track. Gorgeous views of the river and hills to the south and river glistening to the north.

    Back on the bus and we head south to go pick up the other group, almost surreal, as the road runs quite close to the track, so we can see all the turn styles, the track and where we had lunch. It's not often we can say that! We pass the others, and find somewhere safe to stop to wait for them, before moving the bus down to Huntly and Lake Puketirini, an artificial lake with quite a history. It was an open cast mine and then in 2017 it was closed and sealed and it has very quickly become a lake with many purposes. Among others, waterskiers and swimmers happily doing their thing. But more interestingly, the two barges in the centre of the lake are actually rigs for people to practice deep sea diving in this 64 metre deep lake!

    They've taken a lot of effort to plant beside the track that runs around the pretty lake that we enjoyed very much.

    Time to head back to Auckland with the prerequisite stop at Pokeno to wrap our chompers around the famed best Ice Cream around! Lots of smiley faces with scrumptious, generously sized ice creams!

    Article about Lake Puketrini:

  • 4 Jun 2019 9:50 PM | Anonymous

    On Sunday 14 April thirty-one people turned up for the Sunday tramp and the bus was full. Perhaps this was because of the pleasant autumn weather, and also because – after many months – we were returning to the Waitakeres. 

    Most of us disembarked at the northern end of Bethells Beach. We divided into two groups, a moderate party and a slower party, whilst a few people remained in the bus and continued on to Goldie Bush. As warned, right at the beginning of the Te Henga walkway we had to wade across a stream, as the footbridge had been washed away. We then followed the trail northwards, high above O’Neill Bay and a very rocky coastline. We did not have the track to ourselves and encountered a group of what seemed like a hundred, mostly young people, proceeding in the opposite direction. Around midday we stopped for lunch just south of Muriwai, then turned inland for Constable Road. There was a shower of rain which stopped as soon as we had put on our raincoats.

    We entered the Goldie Bush Reserve and turned left for the Mokoroa Stream branch. We crossed back and forth across the stream;

    at first it was possible to clamber across the rocks but, in the end, there was nothing for it but to wade through knee-deep water and splash around in water-logged boots for the rest of the day.

    The Mokoroa Falls were pretty, and we could only imagine what a spectacle they would be after heavy rainfall. From the falls there was the only really long, strenuous climb of the day, up to Horsman Road and Big Yellow. Distance covered was 17.5 km.

    Whilst those in the rear of the bus relaxed after our exertions, it was just as well that our driver remained alert as we encountered a car coming the wrong way on the motorway. Fortunately it was able to carry out a U-turn before having a head-on collision.

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