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North Shore Tramping Club

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  • 12 Mar 2023 2:18 PM | Anonymous

    On the 26th February, the club headed out to Shakespear Regional Park and found perfect weather! The park offers rolling green hills, stunning beaches and sweeping views towards the Hauraki Gulf. Thank you to Ivan who took these great photos of the day!

  • 14 Jan 2023 2:05 PM | Anonymous

    "The scream came from the front of the group. About 25m ahead of me..."

    If you’re heading out hiking or tramping during the New Zealand summer and early autumn months, especially in beech forests (and especially at the top of the South Island) you’re almost certainly going to encounter wasps. Their sting can be at best painful, at worst trigger an anaphylactic reaction. Here's a few tips on how to avoid wasps nests and how to treat the stings should the worst happen.

    Beware the sting: A Tramper's Guide to Avoiding and Managing Wasp Attacks

  • 14 Jan 2023 1:44 PM | Anonymous

    If you're new to tramping or about to do your first overnight trip, here is a good blog about what to consider when staying in a hut with other trampers.  Advice comes from DOC rangers and tramping staff themselves!

  • 23 Nov 2022 2:38 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Anthony, Chris, Pete, Kevin, Milo, Eileen, Angela

    Our party of intrepid track clearers left Auckland Saturday morning with the ominous threat of storms. The weather gods were smiling on Wairere falls and we arrived to light drizzle providing some cooling for the scenic climb to the top of the falls, armed with our track clearing weaponry. On arrival at the top, fine sunny weather greeted us just in time for lunch. Onwards up the track to our 5 Star campsite where tents were pitched just in time for a short siesta while the rain came down to clear for a fine sunny day.

    On the job and excellent progress was achieved with a 1 km section being cleared from our campsite up the North South track ~250m past the Upper Wairere Falls turnoff, meeting up with where we finished off earlier in the year. 

    The rain gods were busy overnight with thunder and lightning but as ordered it cleared to a fine sunny day in time for breakfast. After a side trip to the Upper Wairere Falls we finished our Sunday track clearing session.

    This trip marks a 6-year milestone with the entire track now cleared from the Aongatete Road end (located off SH2 near Katikati), up the North South Track, then over the top of the saddle near the Southern end to the top of Wairere Falls. This epic result represents 983 hrs worked since the first Club Track Clearing Party in October 2016.

    A leisurely lunch back at our campsite saw us heading back to the carpark, again timing it just right to miss the rain before making our way back to Auckland via the requisite refreshments stop in Te Aroha.   

    Special thanks to great work from my team: Chris (also chauffeur), Angela, Milo, Pete, Eileen and Ants   

  • 18 Nov 2022 2:19 PM | Anonymous
    Android phone users - the wait is over!

    The Android version of The Trail App has been updated for this season and is available free of charge in the Google Play Store. The latest version is 8.3, featuring up to date maps and track data for the 2022/2023 Te Araroa walking season.

    The app allows you to access helpful information, official trail notes and safety alerts from your mobile phone. It also shows campsites, huts, topographical maps and information on trail elevation, even in areas with no internet access.

    Stay tuned for the updated version of the app for iPhone. We will let you all know when the iPhone version has gone through all necessary Apple App Store approvals and is available for download.

  • 26 Oct 2022 11:28 AM | Anonymous

    This is a walkway that we are all interested in and many questions have been asked regarding when it will open. Here is the current update from Alexis Poppelbaum, Hibiscus and Bays Local Board member:

    Okura Bush Walkway update from DoC 

    I get so many people asking me about what is happening with the Okura Bush Walkway and when it will open again. Unfortunately DoC have previously been very slow to get back to me (or not at all) and the information hasn't been useful. I reached out yet again recently and begged them to provide an update for all of us wanting to know what is going on, and here it is:

    "As you know, kauri dieback has been found in Okura Bush. Phytophthora agathidicida (PA) is a soil-borne pathogen which infects kauri trees, causing the condition known as kauri dieback. PA can be spread through just a single speck of soil or dirt, and for this reason we need to be vigilant in reducing the potential for the pathogen to spread, which is why the track remains closed at this time.

    Since Okura Bush Walkway was closed in 2018, the Department has undertaken substantial upgrades to the track, both mitigation works for kauri dieback as well as works to remedy two slips on the track. An inspection of the track undertaken in 2021 highlighted a number of issues which have led to the Department, in conjunction with mana whenua, to explore further mitigation of the walkway: small sections of the track were still not mud-free, and differences between DOC’s track mitigation standards for kauri dieback and the standards Auckland Council is meeting in its recent kauri dieback works in the Waitakere Ranges.

    In December 2021, the Department entered into a track management agreement for Okura Bush Walkway with mana whenua. The purpose of the agreement is to outline how the Department and mana whenua (in this case comprising Te Kawerau ā Maki, Ngāti Manuhiri and Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aōtea) will work together to enable public access within the rāhui area laid over the Okura Bush Scenic Reserve in a way that reduces the risk of kauri dieback disease and supports broader forest health. The outcome of implementing the plan will result in public enjoyment of the reserve in a way that respects tikanga, meeting the aspirations of both the Department and mana whenua.

    The Department and mana whenua are working with a specialist engineering company on the design of further mitigation works. We are also currently exploring options to fund these works. Unfortunately I cannot give a firm timeline of when these works will be completed.

    We recognise the frustration of many members of the public that Okura Bush Walkway has now been closed for more than four years, and will remain closed for the 2022/2023 summer season. The Department asks for continued patience from the public while we work towards the track’s reopening.

    You may also be interested to note that a National Pest Management Plan for kauri came into effect in August 2022, approved under the Biosecurity Act 1993. It sets out several measures and requirements to protect kauri from PA and to support broader kauri health. You can find more information on the National Pest Management Plan at National Plan | Tiakina Kauri ("

  • 20 Oct 2022 4:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    List of 54 Huts in Te Urewera and the Plan for their Decommissioning

    Hut Name

    Hut Type


    Apiti Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Casino Hut

    Basic Hut/bivvy

    Close and remove

    Central Waiau Hut


    Close and remove

    Duckville Hut

    Basic Hut/bivvy

    Close and remove

    Hanamahihi Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Hapenuia hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Kaharoa Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Koaunui Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Makakoere Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Makomako Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Manaohou Right Branch Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Mangaawai Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Mangamako Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Mangapouri Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Mangatoatoa Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Manuoha Hut


    Close and remove

    Marauiti Hut

    Great Walk Hut

    Open and consider

    Maraunui Base

    Staff Accommodation

    Open and consider

    Mosen's Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Ngahiramai Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Ngatamatea hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Ohane Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Ohora Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Old Waiawa Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Onepu Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Otamatunu Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Otane Hut

    Basic Hut/bivvy

    Close and remove

    Otanetea Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Otapukawa Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Pakoakoa Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Panekire Hut

    Great Walk Hut

    Open and consider

    Papanui Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Sandy Bay Hut

    Serviced Hut

    Open and consider

    Takarua Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Tataweka Hut

    Basic Hut/bivvy

    TBC Historic

    Taurawharona Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Tawhiwhi Hut

    Standard Hut

    Temp Kaimahi Accommodation

    Te Panaa Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Te Pourewa Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Te Pua Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Te Rangaakapua Hut

    Basic Hut/bivvy

    Close and remove

    Te Totara Hut

    Standard Hut

    TBC Historic

    Te Waiotukapiti Hut


    Close and remove

    Te Wairoa/Rogers Hut


    TBC Historic

    Waiawa Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Waiharuru Hut

    Great Walk Hut

    Close and remove

    Waihua Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Waikare Junction Hut

    Standard Hut

    Close and remove

    Waikokopu Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Waiopaoa Hut

    Great Walk Hut

    Close and remove

    Waipotiki Hut

    Staff Accommodation

    Close and remove

    Whakatakaa Hut


    Close and remove

  • 20 Oct 2022 3:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    FMC Comments on Reports of Hut Removals in Te Urewera
    Media Release: 12/10/2022
    “The proposal to remove DOC huts from Te Urewera has come as somewhat of a surprise to FMC. We acknowledge that this is a result of Crown injustices, 20 years of DOC’s neglect of the Urewera backcountry. We also acknowledge Tūhoe’s wish to revitalise backcountry infrastructure on their ancestral land in a way that embodies their culture”, says FMC President, Robin McNeill.
    “The state of much of the hut network in Te Urewera upon settlement was already questionable. It is understandable that Tūhoe see hosting poorly maintained DOC huts without a maintenance budget as an unwelcome imposition.”
    McNeill is disappointed that recreational interests were not consulted on the plan. “DOC needs always to properly engage with the public on matters that are of such importance to the recreational community”.
    “FMC seeks a future where tangata whenua and manuhiri work together to look after and appreciate Te Urewera. We will be meeting with Tūhoe to further understand their plans for Te Urewera. Until then, it would be inappropriate to comment on those plans. We would, of course, hope that huts with significant historic or recreational value could be retained. We are also in discussions with DOC to understand why they felt it appropriate to make this decision on behalf of the public with no input from the tramping and hunting communities, and to seek assurances that this doesn’t happen again.”
    Mr McNeill understands the concerns some trampers hold that the DOC huts may not all be replaced. Trampers need to be much more alarmed by hinted DOC plans to abandon backcountry huts throughout the rest of New Zealand, he says.

    “DOC Head Office has already cut funding for the Backcountry Trust, which is doing sterling work enabling volunteers to restore backcountry huts – our places – that DOC will not do themselves. I hear DOC is considering cutting funding for all backcountry huts. If that were true, it would not be acceptable.”
    “DOC has a statutory duty to foster recreation, and FMC calls upon DOC to openly engage with the recreational community on these matters in future.”


     For more information, please contact Allan Brent, FMC Vice President, 027 306 2965

  • 3 Oct 2022 5:48 PM | Anonymous

    Our club members help out with projects in the Kaimais - if you'd like to help there is an opportunity coming up soon, for proven members. If you're not a member yet, you do have time.

    See the article here on the Kaimais tracks and huts!

  • 3 Oct 2022 5:24 PM | Anonymous

    Thanks to Ivan for these photos of a stunning day!

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