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North Shore Tramping Club

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  • 27 Dec 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Late December last year, three girls, two guys and Mandy went for a hike.

    They learnt a lot over those 4 days. These are some of those learnings.

    Learning: Dad jokes on Day 1 were bad.

    Learning: Be careful about how much faith you put in GPS readings. Early on Day 2, having climbed for over two hours through steep but picturesque and cool beech forest, liberally dotted with magnificent rimu, rata and kahikatea, our long-suffering leader reached for his phone and announced we had climbed a whole 200 metres.  On that basis we were on track to reach Old Man Hut at about 7pm - on Day 3!

    We had about 1,000 metres to climb over about 10km, so the observation was about as demoralising as watching a weka run off with your lunch. We somehow managed to climb another 300 metres in the next hour so all mutinous thoughts were forgotten.

    Learning. NSTC Leaders are geniuses. For example, as we tramped away on Day 3 John promised us a break in 15 minutes. Somehow, he knew that we would stop less that 20 metres from the edge of the bush-line, in a clearing simply perfect for a lunch stop and metres from the start of the climb to Little Rintoul.

    Learning: Just because you are at the front and manage to walk tall under an overhanging tree, do not forget to call out “HEADS” as loudly as you can. Especially if the guy at the back is 6’10”. Sorry John.

    Learning: Basing yourself at a hut for two nights and having a walk with day packs on Day 3 is pure genius. Having woken to a dawn chorus at Old Man Hut that we will reminisce about forever, the trip up Little Rintoul with day packs, in sunshine, with a cooling westerly was a breeze compared to the efforts of the day before.

    John had some trouble prising us off the peaks that day as we took in the views across the Wairau Valley to the mighty Kaikoura Range, still white-capped from the snowfall the days before we arrived.  It felt like we were on top of the world with the steepness of the ridge around us and being above the clouds blanketing the valleys to the west.

    Learning: If you are at the front and come across a tree blocking that path at about waist height don’t forget to yell out “Roz…. HEADS”.

    Learning: Do not pose for photographs next to someone 40 years younger than you. Even on Day 4. Sorry John, photoshop just is not that good. And European woman that look under the age of 30 will henceforth be banned from multi-day tramps. Perhaps all tramps? John should decide.

    Learning: If you arrive at Old Man campsite and see someone that looks remarkably like Chris, standing next to someone that looks remarkably like Linda, then it probably is the Chris and Linda along with the rest of the Long Party (there must be an oxymoron in that label). Was great to see you guys. Inspiring.

    Learning: By day 4 no one cares where they are or who is watching when getting changed. No more need be said about that.

    Learning: John, please do not stand up and tuck in your shirt at the dinner table if you:

    • a)      Have not done up your fly, and
    • b)     Your trousers are done up with a press stud instead of a button, which pops as you stand there revealing all, and
    • c)      To save on washing you have gone commando.***Footnote

    There was shrieking and crying from the 4 vestal virgins on the other side of the table at the time.

    Learning: Old Man Hut is sexist. I saw old woman there. Perhaps “Fit Old People Hut” is more PC. John and I posed for photos in front of the sign anyway.

    Learning: The dad jokes on day 4 are bad. For example. What do you call a deer with no eyes standing still? Unfortunately, if you want the punch line you will just have to join us the next multi-day tramp or by this time next year you will still have no idea (sic).

    The final day promised to be relatively easy. Morning mist and cloud cleared away slowly, keeping temperatures ideal for hiking. However, we were to be treated to enough river crossings to lose count. The upside was the water had warmed considerably as it was now several days since the snowfall. 

    The Richmond Range was a great choice for a multi-day tramp. It offers jaw-dropping panoramas, plenty of birdlife including the inimitable one-bird orchestra that is the bellbird, beautiful beech forests and enough challenging climbs to make that evening meal and coffee the tastiest, most satisfying you have enjoyed in a long time. A great setting for some shared challenges and an opportunity to make new friends.

    We all know shared challenges make close friendships even closer, strangers become mates. Multi-day hiking is one sure way of setting yourself to encounter a few unnerving moments, and of course, make a few new friends.

    Final Learning: More of a question really. Does anyone know who or what “Mandy” is?

    ***Footnote: OK. It wasn’t John. It was me – power of the pen and all that. And there were no vestal virgins. I could tell because the 4 females on the other side of the table fell about laughing until they cried. Literally. Point “c” was not true either. Just added for effect – power of the pen again. And I know no-one reads footnotes, so we are all safe. Except John. Ha!

  • 20 Dec 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You'd think with a 6.30am start, most would still be snoozing away blissfully.   Not a game bunch of trampers, up for the challenge!  Surprisingly a good number of people turned up to welcome in the most perfect sunrise cresting over Rangitoto Island.  Hues of pinks and golds glistening over a perfectly flat, calm Takapuna Beach as we started striding in the direction of Devonport on the low tide.

    Dawn views. Photo Imogen

    The striding becomes more careful foot placement as soon as we reach the rocks at the southern end of Takapuna.  Although the sand has covered in some of the rockiest parts allowing for good pace.   Before most even realise it, we've reached Narrow Neck and then round the corner between two massive lumps of rock.  In this particular area there are some particularly amazing rock formations that are vertical! 

    Not the usual horizontal, piquing most people's interest given the proximity to Rangitoto Island.  We can only guess these rocks fractured about the time of the formation and disturbance of the island 600 years ago. As we're walking along we discover that most in the group hadn't done this full loop and didn't know it was possible.  Many had only done parts of it.  (There's also a like loop when the tide is up too, scenic cliff tracks instead).

  • 1 Dec 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Now that we are all spending more time at home and in our "backyard" there is more time for reading. I came across these two articles from New Zealand Geographic. I really like the long form journalism. There are not many magazines left who are still able to write articles such as these. Well done New Zealand Geographic. 

    Silence of the Fantails

    Published in the New Zealand Geographic. Great article, but be warned, the opening paragraph is for strong stomachs only! Very graphic descriptions, but worthwhile sticking with the article, there are lots of information about fantails. For example, did you know what shape is a fantail's nest? Did you know how many predators fantails have? Can you name them all? Did you know that there is also one kind of tree which is also their enemy? The article comes with some amazingly clear photos to illustrate each point in the article. Well worth a read.

    For full article, click here.

    Illustrative photo taken by Vivienne.

    Where are all the Spotted Shags?

    The spotted shag numbers have declined dramatically, but I would never have guessed what some seabird scientists are doing about it. They are creating fake spotted shacks colonies to attract the seabirds. How would you do it? Would it cross your mind to get some white paint and make some white splodges on the rocks to make it look like poop? To bring a loud stereo with you? I wouldn't, but it makes sense! Looks like the scientists do have a few tricks up their sleeves. Did you know that the Spotted Shag is the only cliff nesting bird in New Zealand? Read up all about them and the scientists here. Well worth a read, accompanied by amazing photos.

    For full article, click here.

  • 27 Nov 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The NSTC had a very successful weekend with track clearing on our allocated track from the Aongatete Junction to Wairere Falls.

    We walked in from the Aongatete Lodge and commenced work on the North South Track where we left off on our last visit in January and managed to clear some 1.2km of track which makes us now within one visit to reach the saddle. Fortunately we had excellent weather with rain only commencing when we walked out on Sunday.

    The tools which were purchased recently proved to be a bonus – they met their purpose 100%. Team members all wore hi viz vests. A safety induction was carried out and recorded. No incidents occurred and no wasps. The two wasp nests found on the last visit could not be found – maybe they are dormant and will arise once the ground dries out. On our next trip we will probably have to make a campsite on the saddle where there is unfortunately no water. Our party was 8 people, working 7.5 hrs on Friday, 9 hrs on Saturday and 1.5 hrs on Sunday, with rain curtailing our weekend’s work.

    The section of the North South track now cleared by us from the Aongatete Track junction is shown on this map.

  • 11 Oct 2020 7:15 AM | Anonymous

    What a day again, tramping adventure around Piha!

    Our group headed along the beach and up the Tasman Lookout Track. A bit of a gem of a track, as you climb up the stairs up the cliff, more spumy, hazy views revealed across the beach and Lion Rock and Taitomo Island and masses of surfers in catching some nice clean sets.

    We were like a bunch of tourists reaching the lookout, clicking off so many photos, as all bar two of us in the group, hadn't been up this track before and didn't know it was there.

    Back down the steps we headed back north along the beach, enjoying watching the aerial antics of the surfers as we walked.

    We hit Marawhara Track that has very recently re-opened and had the Kauri Die Back track resurfacing treatment. A new yellow boot station greeted us, and mass boot scrubbing before entering the track, we headed into the glade area of beautiful old Nikau's as we worked our way up the new gravel and steps and re-routed track. In some ways nicer, as you are nearer the sea, so you can hear the constant roar of the waves crashing down and the odd snippet view, than where the track used to be more over the other side of the hill.

    Before we know it, we'd climbed all the stairs and reached the grassy area, to find a suitable, out of the breeze spot for noshing time. As those that have tramped with us before will know, noshing spot must have a gorgeous view to feed our eyes as much as our souls.

    Back down White Track and the newbies now understanding why we go down this track and not up usually! It's one steep sucker of a hill! Ok in cooler months, more of the baking, sweaty variety in summer months!

    For variety we elected to take in the very tree tunnel like Laird Thompson Track to head the other half of the cliffs. Mandatory stop at the lookout for amazing views over Whites Beach below us and north to Muriwai, looking very ethereally soft in haze. Absolutely beautiful!

    Last track in this area, that hasn't had any KDB (Kauri Dieback) treatment, heavily Pohutukawa clad Rose Track back down to the beach. It's still a muddy track! Bumping into the Park Ranger we stopped for a quick chat to find out if Rose Track is about to get some TLC. He didn't think so.

    Thoroughly enjoying striding back along the main beach, negotiating the soft patches of sand, we discovered that most hadn't been up Lion Rock before, so that was a must do! For the views and completing the experiences of the day. Pretty cruisy about 18k steps for our group today, with some good steep hills.

    Not too long after we arrived back at Big Yellow, the other party arrive, they missed doing Tasman Lookout, but headed up the valley to Kitekite Falls, that obviously didn't disappoint.

    Really cool being able to share these amazing spots around Auckland and getting some good tramping, walking and hiking in!

  • 11 Oct 2020 7:13 AM | Anonymous

    After a one hour ride from Takapuna, we arrived at Piha with the brakes running hot on Big Yellow!

    Toileting over, we set off for the short walk to Tasman Lookout, from where we had a great view north over Piha Beach, Lion Rock, and the many surfers enjoying the incoming waves.

    From there we descended back to sea-level and headed north to pick up the White Track, aiming to reach the highest point of our tramp before stopping for lunch at about 12.30.

    Setting off after lunch, we reached the Thomson Track which would eventually take us back to Kohunui Bay, north of Piha.

    From there we made our way along the soft black sand of North Piha Beach, towards Lion Rock, which was to be our last uphill scramble of the day.

    It's not possible to access the summit because of unstable ground and falling rocks, but it was still worth climbing as far we could to take in the magnificent view before finally heading home.

  • 11 Oct 2020 7:09 AM | Anonymous

    Sitting here writing this post-walk my legs are aching, but in that “satisfyingly tired” way.

    This was my first tramp with the group and after a week of rain I expected another wet day. However, Bernhard managed to turn on the sun and navigate a 19km walk through Riverhead Forest for us in great weather.

    It was certainly a muddy one with my personal highlight being a half face-plant. Good news, mud is soft! There were plenty of ups and downs - literally - but a really good work out. Great to meet a lovely bunch of people who all made me feel very welcome so a big thank you to you all and especially to Bernhard for organising and navigating the tramp. Much appreciated!

  • 11 Oct 2020 7:02 AM | Anonymous

    So it's mid winter now, the forecast was pretty rotten for today's tramp, but thankfully the weather decided otherwise, and it was fine this morning. So a bumper crop of club members and good bunch of newbies rolled up ready to tramp and off we set out to Karekare in Big Yellow.

    Upon alighting from our bus up high at 270 metres on Log Race Road, we're blasted with reasonably strong wind gusts whilst enjoying the amazing views straight away. Breaking into our different group speeds we head via the boot station and off down hill, with views across Karekare and the Mercer Bay Loop below us and the Tasman Sea to our right. And the vistas become even more beautiful, especially as we're standing looking down to the dramatic dark sands below.

    Ahu Ahu Track still under going re-surfacing, so we happily head down the very scenic Comans Track that was re-surfaced a year ago. The track is holding up reasonably well so far. Being another cliff top track, with many lookout spots along the way, there are plentiful options for amazing photos.

    Dropping down into the valley, we head up to Karekare Falls, that even some long standing members of the club had never visited before! First the little "Spa pool" as we call it, then the big falls, certainly didn't disappoint, with plenty of water flowing over the top into the large pool at the base, making it a perfect spot for early lunch. The normally omni-present Eels, are elusive today. As we leave the falls, discussing and hoping that maybe one day Taraire Track will be re-opened so we can walk up to the top of the waterfall again and make a nice loop.

    After lunch we walk along one of the dune tracks out to Karekare Beach to follow the stream to the northern end of the beach. Stopping to admire some gorgeous, rather confident little Pipits.

    Weaving our way up the dune track the other side of The Watchman (massive nog of rock) the weather still holding out, but the skies looking as dark as the sand! The odd tiny droplet of rain, preparing for the 270 metre climb back up to the bus, many relegating jerseys into packs before boots being scrubbed and sprayed for the third time to help eliminate the spread of Kauri Dieback.

    The one bonus of going back up a track you've done, especially such a scenic track is you see things from a different angle and take different photos, either with your camera or to keep for ever in your memory.

    Two thirds the way up we stop at the big lookouts and the view of the sheer cliff face, that boasts the tallest sea cliffs in Auckland at 270 metres. A few more photos at the last big lookout above, and we enjoy the last of the progressive track back up to Big Yellow.

    All groups back on the bus, and no rain to speak of, and we're on our way, very thankful that the forecasted weather held off.

    Another amazing day out with the club, and awesome to be able to share a few areas of track that others hadn't done before.

  • 2 Aug 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    So what made this tramp different, we blasted our way through 8 Reserves in one day, and staying mostly in the bush and forested areas, quite a number of tracks the club hasn't done probably for ever.

    Meeting out front of Chelsea Primary School, Big Yellow resting up in it's garage, a good number of us and some fit newbies headed straight across the road to the first tracks skirting alongside the high barbed wire Military fence. Surprisingly this fairly steep downwards track was still pretty dry bar a couple of vaguely slick small areas. But we all know, what goes down, does invariably go up!!! A fairly short, but definitely sharp uphill and then we head into more bush tracks heading towards Fitzpatrick & Soldiers Bay, that are lined with a mixture of exotic (non-Native trees) & native Tanekaha, Kanuka and many more towering above us. These tracks give a really great, being in the bush feel, then all of a sudden, you start dropping down, and through the almost Japanese oversized Bonsai looking Pine trees, the sea appears again and the very peaceful and pretty Fitzpatrick Bay.

    We quickly blast through a wide gravel path and land on Soldiers Bay. I tried to find about some history of the bay, but one would assume that it maybe something to do with the base that occupies the cliffs above. Thankfully it was low tide, so we're able to work our way across the very carefully placed large stones through the mangrove swamp! Many, many thanks to whomever put those there, or it would have been mud central!

    Heading up out of Soldiers Bay another really massive group of 42! Before long, we pop out onto Rangatira Road, connecting us to our next park. The area of tracks we'd just done were awesome, for the fairly natural tracks and the tree canopy above us, and the good sharps and downs, great training. Similar to the climbs we used to have at the old Okura entrance.

    We scoot through the Birkenhead War Memorial tracks, checking out the tree planting we did the previous week. Again, these are fairly natural tracks and really quite enjoyable with a cute bridge. With a boot station at either end. A little sad to see that the boot stations aren't well maintained, with empty bottles (two weeks running).

    Next reserve was the very beautiful Kauri Glen, with a thorough scrub and spray of footwear on entry. If you've not been through here before, it's definitely worth a visit. It's like a little forgotten world right in the middle of suburbia as you drop into the Kauri lined gully. So impressive! Massive number of ricker (younger Kauri) & many whopping great big multi hundreds of year-old Kauri. You immediately have that feeling of walking through a gorgeous Kauri forest. On one of the tracks that's half closed, on the open half there is a neat tree canopy lookout. Pretty wicked to see so many Kauri.

    More reserves to conquer, we cross to Le Roys Bush. Although there is track maintenance happening currently, we still have some brand new board-walked tracks to enjoy. Initially we thought we might hang our feet over the side of the boardwalk for lunch, but then had a better idea a spot at the end of Tizard Road, out of the brisk wind, and room with a great view up the harbour! Pretty interesting, as some Birkenhead'ers were saying that the site has been bare for a number of years, with a couple of quite tall lookouts on the site. Haha, na, we were busy noshing to climb up to check out the vista.

    Dropping back down onto the path heading to Chelsea Sugar Works. Yeah, we know what you're thinking......... the trampers stopped for a coffee and nibbles at the café ..... I think we must have all needed our temperatures taken........... we walked straight past! Can you believe it! Haha. Ready for the boost up the hill into the bush tracks again! Again here, we did a couple of tracks we don't usually do, one to a historic Maori fishing point. Quite interesting seeing the old Pa sites still quite evident. The tide right out now, we head down a different track, and actually walk along Kendall Bay! Absolutely gorgeous!

    No rest for the wicked, we head up the very steep steps up to the point, and a few more ups and downs on the awesome tracks there, oh and one and the only really slick muddy downhill bit all day! Thank goodness for the odd tree to grab onto on carved muddy steps.

    So what made this day different from what we normally do in this area, that was so enjoyable, mixing up the tracks and with our variety of organisers creating a different tramp! Who doesn't love different and new to a lot of us tracks! A solid 17kms of undulating tracks, yay!!!

    Yay!!! Another absolutely awesome tramping adventured with the club, fantastic group and great newbies, who commented how friendly and helpful everyone is. Aaaww.

  • 26 Jul 2020 7:31 AM | Anonymous

    Only five clubbies rolled up to participate in the latest community tree planting. Selecting our preferred spades from the selection of brand new decent planting spades, we headed down to the bank planting site, which is nestled between regenerating bush and a big stand of old Gum trees.

    All the trees were laid out ready in place where they were to be planted. Quite a mixture of Flax, Coprosma, Titoki, Kanuka and Manuka and a few Puriri. Surprisingly again, given it's the middle of winter, the ground was fairly dry, so no muddy, mucky feet and gear. Super rewarding planting in so many trees, in a short space of time, under 2 hours, and we were done and off for walkies.

    We headed up towards the swimming pool complex to start the bush tracks at the top, and beetled our way through these nice, fairly quiet tracks, chatting away happily as we walked. Once you get near the MTB/BMX tracks there's a boot station, quick scrub and we head into slightly more forest type environment, Tanekaha, Kauri, big Rewarewa and more. Also, at the track end, another boot station, do our thing and head on a very brief road interlude to hook into Ridgewood Reserve. More very freshly made boardwalks and steps greet us, as we're happily gazing up at the massive, towering tree canopy of Puriri, Totara above us. They are impressively large. This gully is just magic, Tui zooming around everywhere, singing their hearts out and many Wood Pigeons. All enjoying the ample fodder here.

    Popping out of the reserve a family out walking, one of their little girls comes running up excitedly to see where we'd been walking. Neat to see young ones, so keen on being out tramping.

    A quick stop across the road at one of the historic Cemeteries, to enjoy the harbour views whilst we tuck into some lunch. This cemetery was fascinating and houses the well known Verran family, of which one of the busy local roads is named after, amongst others.

    As we started this theme, we stopped at the next cemetery along. Some history and stories in both of these is amazing. So many well-known families dating back to 1896. A long time ago in NZ history, and when this general area would have been covered in beautiful large Kauri before they were logged for housing.

    Before heading back to the cars, we wander back into another forest track, to see how some large Kauri are doing. Reaching the gate, we respectfully look through the fencing, if not a little sad, as there is more resin oozing out of some large Kauri the council is trying to protect here with the track closure past the fences. Here we had an impromptu discussion about Kauri dieback and the theories and what's happening currently to try and halt it spreading. All the more valuable when you can see trees looking reasonably badly affected.

    Another amazing day out with the club, with the very satisfying feeling of having given back to the community and environment, and having chatted lots of the other tree planters.

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