President's Message

11 Dec 2021 3:51 PM | Anonymous

Kevin Osten - Club President

This year has been a real rollercoaster with tramping trips cancelled during our earlier lockdown in March then ramping up again with excellent turnouts before the latest Delta lockdown changed life on the 17th August.

Some memorable away trips between lockdowns with the Tararua trip bagging the long lost Angle ‘Knob Hut remnants, Gt Barrier Island and Tangihua were just some of the highlights.

After 107 days Aucklanders have done the hard yards and we can now enjoy those freedoms we took for granted. Our Xmas getaways are all go.

Our Trip Planning Group has done an amazing job adapting to the challenges this has presented and with the situation looking more promising for 2022 we will have some great tramps on the schedule for 2022!

Our first adventure for 2022 is on Auckland Anniversary Weekend with 2 classic tramps around  Mt Taranaki. Limited spaces still available.

A special thank you to our dedicated committee, all the drivers, trip leaders and helpers who have contributed to supporting the Club’s success.

Hope you enjoy a much-deserved break and are able to reconnect with friends and family. Let’s hope for more normality in 2022!

Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing on the tracks in 2022!