• 3 Jun 2019 7:18 AM | Anonymous

    An advertisement at the back of ‘Wilderness ‘ magazine quotes the Lonely Planet guide’s claim that the Cape Brett walk is “One of the Epic 50 Hikes of the World.” It is one of the club’s favourites, and we have been tramping there several times in recent years. 

    We left from Como Street on Friday evening. As we drove north through the night, news was coming through of mass murder at a Christchurch mosque. We arrived at Rawhiti in the eastern Bay of Islands around midnight. Next morning we found that we were on the edge of the marae, next to the sea. Our tramp began with a walk of about one kilometer along a road to Oke Bay, then there was a long, steady walk uphill to Pukehuia (345m). It was very hot and humid but, despite raging thirst, we had to be economical with our water as there had recently been a drop of 1080 poison and it was feared that local water might be contaminated.

    We followed the Cape Brett Track along the ridge line, with extensive views of the eponymous bay and islands. We stopped for lunch at a hut above Te Wai Bay where two of our number, suffering from the high humidity, elected to stay. The rest of us dropped to a track junction; left for Deep Water Cove, the route we would take the next day, right for the cape. Another steep climb followed. Then, coming down the track, was a young lady in a bikini and not much else – no pack, not even a waterbottle. A couple of her friends followed close behind. They had landed from a boat and gone for a stroll ashore.

    The Cape Brett lighthouse marked the end of the walk -17 km from Oke Bay.

    The lighthouse keeper’s house, no longer required for its original purpose since the lighthouse is automated, was our accommodation, shared with a young, international group.

    After the long, hot walk I particularly enjoyed a refreshing swim off the rocks. In the evening I read the hut book where the lighthouse keepers noted that sharks were often seen in the channel between the cape and the nearby island.

    Several of us rose early to observe a colourful sunrise over the sea. We then retraced our steps up the long hill, returned to the track junction and walked down to Deep Water Cove, where our water taxi was already waiting for us. This saved us several hours of walking over the same route as yesterday. We disembarked at Oke Bay and returned to ‘Big Yellow’, so that we were able to start the long drive home around noon.

    This walk was not “an epic’ in the sense that most of us would understand the term, but it was a beautiful walk through native forest with superb coastal scenery, and the accommodation at the end was distinctly superior to the standard DOC hut.

  • 2 Apr 2019 10:59 PM | Anonymous

    It was a lovely fresh Saturday morning, having had weather warnings during the week for torrential rain, we were lucky enough to be hopping on our trusty bus in fine, clear weather with the rain already behind us.

    With 16 of us on the trip to Waitomo, doing the maths to break us into two groups was an easy as Bernard putting names on two lists and bingo! You’re in the Appletree Road party and you’re on the Speedies Road party. Right you are then.

    With Helen driving, we stopped for morning tea and a loo break at Pirongia. The pies and pastries looked very good and I make a mental note to self, to indulge next time… It was great to see some faces we hadn’t seen for a while, and to catch up on where they’d been and what they’d been up to over the last few weeks and months. Monika, busy as always is already working out how she can get to her special concert at 6.30 in town, on Sunday, after our walk out and trip home! We of course have many suggestions, most of which are not helpful (we’ll drop you off grubby gear and all being quite a popular choice), but the general consensus is that she will “give it a go”, in good old fashioned Kiwi style.

    We had a steady drive down, and at Appletree Road, we said goodbye to half the party for their adventures, we would see them later in the day.

    With Bernard now driving, he needed a co-pilot and I was lucky enough to sit up in the cab for the first time; wow, what a great view you get. Bernard takes the opportunity to suggest I might like to consider becoming a bus driver, but I quickly persuade him that is not in the best interests of the bus or the club! We stop just past the Waitomo Caves to look at the wonderful natural Mangapuhoue Natural Bridge, a leg stretch walk from the parking area, and you can do about a 1km loop. Definitely worth stopping and seeing; it’s truly lovely with old fossils of sealife in the rock formation. With shades of things to come there were blackberries on the bushes to be snacked on as we did the loop walk. As this coincided with almost lunch time, we decided to eat lunch there, making the most of an almost-dry picnic table, and then head on to our walking start point.

    Once at Speedie’s Road we park the bus and head off through private farm land. It’s incredibly dry underfoot, what little grass there is like straw and we have two sheep escaped from their paddock busily trotting up the road ahead of us until they head off in another direction. We know it’s rained during the week, but you couldn’t tell so far. It’s a wonderfully sunny day, the path underfoot is good and there’s not much in the way of shade. The rock formations and geology are amazing, and we catch a glimpse of the inviting Taraweru river below us. Trekking over the pastureland we head down, up and across a very steep climb to a stile and fence. Over this and we start heading into the bushline for some well-earned shade. The terrain starts getting a little lumpier underfoot and there’s the odd fallen tree to climb over or under; going under more of a challenge with big packs having to crawl on hands and knees; the extra weight on your back when getting back to your feet is noticeable. Perhaps I packed too many goodies – nah. Many thanks to John for all his help hauling and pushing some of us shorter ones over and up the steep, slippery bits.

    After only a couple of hours we come to a surprisingly large clearing which is flattish, and positively festooned with blackberry bushes. Jo and I wonder quietly to ourselves is this our camping area; but no, there’s nothing to say it is so, it can’t be…. can it? We keep on walking crossing a very nice little stream and after a couple of hundred or metres so find Mark and Chris coming back from being just a little ahead of us. Turns out the lovely little blackberry infested clearing IS our camping ground so we turn around and head back. We look at it through different eyes, scouting out for patches that are less blackberry laden than others and the edges of the clearing nearer the trees look to be the best option. Mary diligently tramps down an area for herself and John, it ain’t called blackberry flat for nothing. It’s also lumpier underfoot than you would think and you just know that lump/hole under your mattress is going to find you in the middle of the night. An hour later and we have our little grove of tents, beds are made, billies are boiled and snacks are eaten as we wait for the Appletree Road party to arrive. We’ve had a nice day, not too strenuous and are feeling pretty good and relaxed enjoying the great outdoors, fresh air and good company. The blackberries make a great snack and Jo and I pick a generous handful each to put in our muesli for tomorrow’s breakfast. A lone wood pigeon cruises back and forth overhead clear against the blue sky and backdrop of the gorge walls – beautiful.

    Soon enough the first of the next party arrive. Phil, Peter, Roger, Helen and Paul trundle in and we help fill up their water containers from the nearby river while they make camp. Phil tucks himself under the trees and although he is only a few metres away, you wouldn’t even know his tent was there. The Appletree party have walked a bit further today than we have. It’s late afternoon and we’re wondering where the final 3, Mon, Karen B and Colin are. They come in just at the right time and set up camp while there’s still good light and conversation time to be had. Turns out they have had a right old adventure seeing all the waterfalls their walk had to offer; it’s good to see all our party back together again all safe and well. A quick head count of tents shows that the Hubbas just outnumber the Macpacs with a few assorted others filling the rest of the placings.

    We tuck ourselves in early to bed, listening to the night sounds, there’s fewer moreporks calling than I thought there would be and either no possums or I am asleep and don’t hear them.

    It rains gently during the night and early hours, but nothing too serious. I lie awake in my tent watching a VERY LARGE SPIDER on the outside. It’s close to 5cm across and surprisingly sturdy; Jo had one the day before near her tent, so I wonder if we have disturbed a family of them.

    While we all eat breakfast, we confirm the plan for the day being that we will all head back to the bus the same way, first doing a walk further into the Gorge. As Peter and Phil heroically offer to look after the tents and bags for us (also known as having a second cuppa/lie in), we take up the offer of walking without the big bags and take off into the Gorge. The rain overnight has made it a little boggy underfoot in parts, but everything has been newly washed and smells fresh, green and alive. After about an hours walking we see a wonderful clearing on the other side of the river and unanimously agree this would be a wonderful camping spot for next time we head down this way. It’s flat and clear and close to a good fresh water source. Turning and heading back, right at the top of the cliff on our right you can see fencing right to the edge; to stop errant cattle or trampers I wonder. We get back to camp and pack tents away, and of course it starts raining just as we start but it doesn’t last long. It’s just enough to make sure though that tents will be put away wet and will all need drying out when we get home.

    The sun comes out and we find a lunch stop on dry plateau on the tussocky farmland; it’s a good choice as from this point onwards it’s walking parallel on a very steep slope for a while. What a wonderful view and spot to stop. The geology and rock formations are amazing and we take a few minutes as we pass by to check them out. They are humbling in their size and stature; their presence on the land is that of sentinels, heralding back to our past but knowing they will still be there long into the future.

    It’s getting quite warm as we walk the last km or so to the bus, stopping to say hello to the friendly miniature horse on the way.

    A quick refresh and change of clothes then it’s on the bus back home.

    We stop again at Mangapuhoue so the rest of the group can see the rock arch, and then take another quick stop to see the beautiful 35m Marokopa Falls which Chris mentioned as being on the trip home. They are only a short walk through tawa and nikau from the bus and certainly worth stopping for. Helen is driving again with a change of driver, refreshments and leg stretch. Sadly, the bakery is closed, so it’s a dash to the supermarket for cold drink and snacks. The canny ones find a proper coffee at the pub. An uneventful drive into Auckland sees us wondering how Monika is going to get on for time, but the usual traffic jam at Takanini slows things up, but all in all a good run home.

    It’s been a fantastic, fun filled couple of days away. I love these short breaks away, they are so good for your soul. The friendship and great spirit you get from the rest of the group are amazing and added to the incredible scenery we are privileged enough to be able to enjoy, make these weekends truly memorable.

    Special thanks to Bernard for organising the trip – it’s a beautiful spot – plus we have a great new option for next time, and to Helen and Bernard for safely driving us there and back. Thanks to everyone on the trip for your friendship and help over the sticky bits.

  • 2 Apr 2019 10:47 PM | Anonymous

    Those who know Monika will understand what I mean about her determination.

    Club rules, however, determine that we do NOT tramp alone. So, when it became apparent that the map reading and navigation skills of the Appletree Road group had been found wanting and we had basically headed right instead of undertaking a left hand loop (!) encompassing the Tawarau Falls, what did Monika want to do? Back track! Rule follower ( and support person I am) was ably joined by Colin Symonds to accompany Monika in her quest to see the splendid wetness and beauty of the Falls. A very steady backwards deviation to the 10 minute return loop to the Falls; down, down, down with the assistance of a chain at the steepest point to the Falls below.

  • 2 Apr 2019 6:22 AM | Anonymous

    Twelve members of the club took part in a trip to Mt Hikurangi over the Anniversary Day weekend. This was apparently the club’s first visit in our fifty year history.

    Hikurangi is situated in the Raukumara Range in East Cape, inland from Ruatoria and about 130 km north of Gisborne. At 1752 meters it is the North Island’s highest non-volcanic mountain. Thanks to the dateline it is also the first place in New Zealand and the world to greet the morning sun of a new day.

    The drive was a long one – leaving from Auckland at 10 am, we arrived at the Te Araroa Motor Camp near 8 pm. The route was very scenic, especially along the coast east of Opotiki, but was a challenging one for the driver with all the hills and corners. Next morning we had a further 90 minutes along Highway 35 and then along Tapuaeroa Road to the Pakihiroa Station, where we parked the bus and began our walk.

    For the first 10 km we headed southwards following a four-wheel drive track which climbed steadily upwards through farmland. The route was clearly marked by yellow posts. The weather was fine and warm but the upper part of the mountain was entirely covered by cloud. We passed several horses, cattle and noisy flocks of sheep. We encountered a young couple coming down who told us that, above the hut, the mist was so dense that they could not see from one post to the other.

    After ten km there was a road junction; the posts followed the right track, but the left led to the Maui whakairo, a series of large Maori carvings. This mountain is a sacred site for the Ngati Porou iwi. These impressive carvings, representing tribal ancestors, were specially commissioned for a ceremony held here on New Year’s Day 2000 as the first place in the world to see in the new millennium.

    From there it was only a few hundred meters on to the hut. The walk took five and a half hours, including about an hour for lunch and rests. The hut sleeps ten and was booked through an iwi office, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou ($15 per head). With the special permission of this office, the other two members of the group slept in tents (camping on the mountain is usually not permitted). The main difficulty for these two was finding a flat area of sufficient size for a tent that was not covered in cowpats.

    We had originally planned to walk up to the summit on the following morning but, by 3 pm, the weather had cleared and it seemed better to seize the opportunity while we could – who knew what the next morning would be like? The track above the hut led through a small area of forest, then across an area of scrub and long grass. The marker posts led us to the bottom of a very steep scree slope for the final 400 meters or so.

    From the bottom, the right-hand side seemed to offer the best going but, as we later found, the left was slightly easier, though there was not much in it. For much of the way we were hauling ourselves upwards by clutching at clumps of grass. We finally reached the summit ridge where a sudden gust of wind seized Roger’s hat, last seen gliding towards Ruatoria. The summit trig beckoned from less than a hundred meters away.

    However, there were murmurs that time was marching on and that we should not risk having to complete the return journey in the dark. Sensible prudence or excessive caution? At any rate, the majority verdict was respected and we turned back.

    The walk from the hut to the summit was described on the noticeboard as taking about two hours, and another source gave an estimate of only 1½ hours. Our walk to the summit ridge took 2½ hours, with perhaps a further quarter-hour to the summit itself. Apparently many people carry out this climb in the dark, so that they can experience dawn on the summit. We were all of the opinion that this would be an extremely challenging walk, for very experienced trampers equipped with powerful and reliable head-torches.

    Next morning the walk down to the bus took only about three hours and we had the rest of the day to explore this beautiful and interesting area. We visited St Mary’s church at Tikitiki, built shortly after the First World War to commemorate the Ngati Porou soldiers who died in that conflict (the roll of honour inside was dismayingly long). The carvings and tukutuku (woven panels) are very fine. We also admired the pohutukawa at Te Araroa – 600 years old and 22 meters high, it is believed to be the largest in the country. It must be a wonderful sight in December when the flowers are in bloom.

    We had lunch at the Manuka Café at Te Araroa. The place was already busy when twelve hungry trampers arrived and the friendly lady behind the counter was struggling to cope. Keith and Kate then offered to help, having run a café themselves, and served up some excellent coffee.

    From Te Araroa there was a 22 km road (unsealed) out to East Cape, then a short walk up some 700 steps to the lighthouse. Having (nearly) climbed Hikurangi we hardly noticed them. No one was much in the mood for camping food that night, and we dined at the Hicks Bay restaurant.


    On the last day we had another ten hours’ drive back to Auckland. All told, we covered more than 1200 km on this trip and we are all grateful to our two drivers, Pierre and Keith.

  • 2 Apr 2019 5:49 AM | Anonymous

    Yesterday's Karangahake tramp, a real club favourite, was an extremely popular one! About 45 people. 30 of us in Big Yellow and the remainder from the Whitianga Tramping Club obviously keen to check out Karangahake and Waikino areas that are so steeped in gold mining history dating back to the late 1800's, where the old tracks and machinery and concrete structures are deteriorating with time.

    Raring to go, we broke into a number of smaller groups. Smaller groups you move faster and can keep tabs on the whole group.

    My group started our journey over the brand new suspension bridge crossing the Ohinemuri River right beside the carpark and head across our second suspension bridge in this incredibly scenic area, that gives you an air of stepping back in time, as we.climb a small flight of steps and we're standing on the historic railway tracks that they used to move gold and by product. There is a gold mining trolley gracefully rusting away.

    Torches at the ready, we enter the first of the tunnels in the famous Windows Walk. Windows, due to the holes calved out of the rock face to create air vents for the tunnels that plunge deep into the mountain. As you look out of the Windows, the sheer rock faces of Mt Karangahake opposite you never fail to impress.

    Every now and again switching off our headlights to spot the Glow Worms! Not so many glowing tails today, maybe a little dry?

    We drop down opposite the old Crown Battery, another tunnel that goes into the heart of the mountain, but due to a slip was closed about 3 years. A great pity, as you used to be able to walk in about 50 metres and it opens out into a massive cave with the old machinery still there!

    Despite Saturdays heavy rain, the Waitawheta River is only very gently burbling away beside, us we thoroughly enjoy the mostly flat track and beautiful native flora surroundings. As we reach a very popular swimming spot where the river briefly widens with a few waterfalls to provide enjoyment for all.

    One more fun tunnel and yipee a few group of Glow Worms! Further up the river, suspension bridge number 3, and we hit the base of the Dubbo 96 Track, and a thorough boot clean session before entering the track to head up the mountain!

  • 2 Apr 2019 5:43 AM | Anonymous

    Today's planned trip was to start on new ground for the club in the Waiuku Forest...... upon reaching our turn off, Big Yellow ground to a halt! A big sign had gone up during the week to say that the forest was closed due to the high fire risk. Probably more for motor-cross bikes, quads and 4x4's, than trampers, but closed is closed.

So after quick team discussion, Karotahi Beach was the closest, only 15 minutes away & only a couple people had been there. Decision made.

    Being the wild west coast, as we parked the bus, the sound of the waves crashing down on the foreshore greeted us.

    The cliffs above us, the striking colour of the still lush flax against the vivid yellow and orange eroding stone, the group started our walk south along the beach with the lovely Castaways Restaurant above us and the Lifeguards busily preparing things as we strode past.

    We pass a few upturned, rusting car bodies being weathered by the elements before we rest for lunch then continuing south to the mouth of the Waikato River.

    Retracing our steps back to the bus, the light is still soft, the clouds wafting across the skyline, spume from the waves and sand drifting creating a gentle haze. Eyeing up the odd cooling fresh water waterfall as we pass.

    Even though the beach is a shared use area, more motor-cross bikes, quad bikes, dune buggies and 4x4's, they're very respectful of us all, and give us plenty of space. And keep us entertained with wheelies and stunts as they pass.

    Another stunning, very warm day out with the club, about 16kms covered and we get to do the intended tramp another time.

  • 1 Apr 2019 7:53 PM | Anonymous

    Another scorching hot day promised, didn't deter keen trampers and newbies to head over to Waiheke Island yesterday.

    A good contingent of trampers alight the ferry at Matiatia Bay and we break into different groups to start our western end of the island circumnavigation.

    Heading up onto the cliff track above Matiatia Bay the first of the sea vistas light up our cameras and phone cameras and delight our senses, with the sublime variation of colours and glistening waters and the constant melodic sound of the waves caressing the sand and rocks below as we work our way around the cliffs and dropping into a few bays along the way.

    We briefly share the very picturesque bays with Oystercatchers, Dotteralls, Cormorants and a few other sea birds eyeing us intently until we disappear up the next flight of steps.

    Moving closer to Te Wharau Bay, we retreat into the native tree clad shaded tracks much to our delight as the mercury starts rising skyward!

    Briefly descending into the reasonably large Te Wharau Bay, with three groups of people enjoying the environs before we head back up to Church Bay Road to hook into more native tree clad bush tracks, with cicadas chirruping more loudly than we can talk.

    We pop out at the trig (high point) above Mudbrick and the North Shore Based Heletranz helicopter is just taking off. Just like kids, we stop at a safe distance and video and try to hold on to our caps during the rota wash.

    Ferry bound, via the wide grassed berms we make a beeline for Matiatia Bay, making time for a much needed relaxing, cooling swim in the twinkling pebbled bay.

    Perfect end to a stunning day on Waiheke. 

  • 28 Mar 2019 7:26 PM | Anonymous

    This West Harbour tramp was one of much diversity and a new one for everybody bar me.

    All meeting on another very warm Summers morning at Moire Park in West Harbour, we all hit the shade of the bush tracks adjacent to the carpark heading for the blue bridge that heads over Henderson Creek connecting us to the pathways at Luckens Walkway towards Hobsonville Marina.

    To ensure we have done some elevations, popping down to the foreshore for a quick look and soak up the peace and quiet.

    Upon reaching the Hobsonville Marina we thought it might be quite fun to walk along the sea wall to find a scenic spot for lunch! Perfect spot found! Flat rocks, sea on both sides of us at our feet and sea birds wading at low tide in the mud flats, including Pied Stilts, Oyster Catchers, Herons, and the ubiquitous Sea Gulls and a few others.

    As much as it was a lovely spot to stop for lunch, there were still more parks in West Harbour we needed to pass through and tick off! Eventually we pop out of St Margarets Park and walk over the bright yellow foot bridge that connects West Harbour and Massey, that most of us have driven under only. You guessed it! Another park to tick off, Westgate Walking Tracks!

    Last park completed and we head back over the bridge and into our last very much appreciated, shaded trail, Manetewhau Walk to complete our loop back to the the cars!

    Another hot day of scenic tramping, but very enjoyable, with another amazing group of very diverse range of people and ages. 16kms covered with a variety of surfaces. See you on the trails.

  • 2 Feb 2019 5:52 AM | Anonymous

    An absolutely magic day for the club over at Tiritiri Matangi today. Absolutely stunning weather, hot clear, nice gentle breeze, the sea almost flat and the clouds creating glistening reflections on the crystal clear water.

    Once we'd had the usual greeting from the Islands' long serving Ranger almost dwarfed in noise by the raucous Saddleback chatting away, our group headed off to find birds to photograph.

    Not too far along we spotted 3 x Ruru/Morepork, one being a fluffy baby sitting on a Punga frond with Mum and Dad, cute as buttons staring straight us with their massive eyes! And not much further along the track another Ruru watching us intently!

    The Kokako was teasing us, with it's melodic song in the background, but remaining elusive, as did the Tahake that are normally that end of the island.

    Upon reaching the Lighthouse for lunch, 5 Tahake, 3 of which were extremely fluffy large babies, which seemed quite relaxed given the people around and happily grazed allowing amazing photos!

    Time to mosey back down the Wattle Track to the wharf for cooling swims and more bird watching.

    If you've not been to this island slice of magic, which an exceptionally impressive amount of native bird life and incredible sea views in all directions...... don't miss out any longer!

  • 2 Feb 2019 5:48 AM | Anonymous

    Another amazing day out with the club and a free day at that! To do the Hobsonville and Greenhithe walk.

    Under clear skies a big group of extremely mixed ages met to do the first Sunday tramp of the year.

    We set off along the stunning, brand new Hobsonville boardwalk over the edge of the water that was opened in November. Before we know it, we'll all bailing up the Greenhithe Bridge and into our first hidden away bush track. There's actually quite a few and we covered most of them today, plus a short dabble along the muddy foreshore and into Wainoni Park with the most amazing hand made gates, plus a few connecting tracks to head us back to the Greenhithe Bridge.

    Towards the end of the tramp a swag of the group snuck off, leaving 8 who didn't miss out on Bomb Point and completing the full 21kms by a few of pedometres!

    Stunning day, and views and super sticky hot weather and great to see so many newbies!

    See you on the trails........